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What Instruments Can I learn to Play in Orchestra?

There are four instruments available for you to learn in orchestra: Violin, Viola, Cello, or Bass. They each have their own unique sound and character. Please click the links below to see and hear each instrument in action

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How do I sign up?

  1. Select "Orchestra" on your middle school course selection sheet. You will receive this from the Griffin counselors early in the Spring semester.

  2. Attend one of our instrument drives in February to find out the best instrument for you!

  3. Acquire an instrument and ROCK ON! For more information on instrument acquisition, please click Instrument Rental.

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What about size?


Not at all! Just like shoes, instruments come in different sizes to accommodate different people. Whichever instrument you choose to play will "grow with you" (as you get taller you will get a bigger size of your instrument). Your height and weight play no factor in what instrument you can or cannot play!

FAQ/ 5th Grade: Text

Can I wait until 7th or 8th grade to join orchestra?


Yes, however, we HIGHLY recommend starting in 6th grade. The sooner you learn the violin, viola, cello, or bass, the better you will be in the future! Students who start later in middle school are placed in beginner classes and are always a year behind their peers.

FAQ/ 5th Grade: Text

Are private lessons worth it?


As you will be part of an orchestra class, it is impossible for the teachers to give students one-on-one instruction and guidance for an extended period of time. Private lessons enable students to "fast forward" the learning process and engage in advanced techniques earlier than their peers. 

Having been a student and teacher in private lessons, Mrs. Ufford HIGHLY recommend students enroll in private lessons.

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